
2020全球卓越建設獎 臺灣建築獲三金五銀榮耀



臺灣建築之美,耀眼國際!中華民國不動產協進會主辦、不動產業界年度最高盛會—2020國家卓越建設獎7月23日晚上在王朝大酒店舉行隆重頒獎典禮。產官學各界重量級人物,與所有公私部門得獎單位共同分享得獎喜悅。世界不動產聯盟會長佛倫提諾‧杜拉利亞Mr. Florentino Dulalia以錄影方式祝賀所有得獎者在台灣不動產業界的卓越貢獻,國家卓越建設獎的舉辦完美體現了世界不動產聯盟(FIABCI)的精神。

憲賣咖啡 熱河店榮獲if設計獎

The low-profile coffee shop situated in the hustle and bustle city, which the shop owner expects to indicate the Danish living philosophy of "Hygge" into it that also echoes the brand concept. "Hygge" is a state in which happiness can be felt in the ordinary days, there is no need to arrange deliberately but to create a cozy space with heart.Follow the ideology; we retain the original cement texture of the building, and processing with exploiting the recycled wood. By way of the large area lighting and the hollow pattern, thence construct excellent connection and flowing, as well shapes the natural implication in the urban jungle.

南屯運動中心月底開幕 台中還有6座將與住戶為鄰


卡哇伊! 彩虹爺爺把「石虎」加入台中彩虹眷村了
